*This blog has been updated from 2014 because we feel it is a topic worth repeating. We hope that it helps you reset and prepare for the New Year. Happy Holidays!
This past weekend I was able to fly solo and do some practice approaches. It was exactly what the doctor ordered! There’s something about “flying solo” that always helps recharge my battery.
This got me thinking that I really don’t schedule enough “solo” time, whether in the cockpit or just reading a good book or even visiting a museum in downtown D.C.
I find that some time away from the day-to-day pressures of work (and yes, even my beloved family) can pay big dividends by keeping me centered and on track. It doesn’t take much time for me to recharge, but the impact is usually significant.
For example, prior to my flight earlier this week, I was feeling overwhelmed. My daily tasks were mounting as I am in my busy season of client sessions. I wasn’t consciously thinking about this issue while flying (when piloting a plane, it’s usually a good idea to focus on what you’re doing), but after the flight, I found that I had a clarity and calmness that I hadn’t had previous to my flight.
There was a subtle transition that occurred once my guard was down and my mind became relaxed that allowed me to prioritize and gain traction around my tasks at hand.
I think most people have had similar experiences, but rarely do we plan this essential alone time.
Perhaps we should all take out our calendars over this holiday season and schedule a few solo events. Then honor those appointments with ourselves as if they were meetings with our most important clients.
I plan to block out regular “clarity breaks” in the new year. These are critical meetings I know I can’t miss. I hope you can give yourself some “breaks” as well. I’m pretty sure that your body, mind, and soul will reward you for your efforts.
Happy Holidays!