Many business “stucks” begin with two common elements: People and Process. It really is that simple, yet not always easy to recognize. If running your business often seems strained, chances are you don’t have enough strong processes that will consistently produce desired outcomes.
Bad Process Requires Great People…but that’s Not Sustainable
I often observe talented people who must compensate for bad processes. This may seem like a solution in the moment, but it’s a silent killer over time.
You may be familiar with this scenario. Let’s say you have a “superstar” IT person who’s able to spontaneously fix the inadequacies of your IT infrastructure, but sooner or later the problems get too big for their talent and bandwidth or they get fed up with the inadequacies and leave. Both cases weaken your company.
Your Winning Combination: Strong Processes with Great People
In order to achieve this winning combo, you must first define the right structure for your business (use the Accountability Chart), define your Core Processes and then plug in great people.
Core Processes include things like:
Running a business without strong processes is akin to plugging holes in a dike. Sooner or later the entire damn will break and all the good people will get washed away. Don’t let this happen to your company!
Take the time to “bottle your genius” (Core Processes) and then expect your people to produce rock solid results!
If your business needs help defining your Core Processes call us to schedule a free consultation: 703-278-2673.
11710 Plaza America Drive, Suite 2000 Reston, VA 20190
703.278.CORE (2673)
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