The Cirrus SR22 is a unique airplane. It was the first general aviation aircraft to include a parachute…for the plane. This ingenious technology has saved lives.
Regardless of this advanced technology, many pilots have not used it when they could have. It’s estimated that 125 lives could have been saved in emergency situations, had only the chute been deployed.
Why pilots don’t pull the chute
Some say ego, others say lack of preparation is the culprit. I think in many cases it’s due to the mindset of “I can make this work.”
This is where trouble begins. It’s important to know when to take decisive action instead of stubbornly sticking with an original game plan that no longer serves you. The key is to know when it’s time to shift gears.
Why leaders don’t fire bad employees
The same dilemma plagues many businesses. We find ourselves in a no-win employee situation; we work hard to turn things around – but to no avail. We can continue to try to “save the day” and hope for the best…or we can take decisive action when the situation calls for it.
EOS provides two great tools to help determine when it may be time to make a people change; the Accountability Chart and the People Analyzer. By using these tools, managers can gain the confidence of knowing whether an employee should stay or should go.
Whether flying a Cirrus or running a company, there comes a time when critical action is required. The key is to know the tools that help you take decisive/effective action and use them before it’s too late.
11710 Plaza America Drive, Suite 2000 Reston, VA 20190
703.278.CORE (2673)
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